Multiple users could connect to the HAVA from any Internet connection simultaneously with channel-changing capabilities and full operation of the video source. The devices enabled streaming and recording of video content from video sources including live TV, DVD players, video game consoles, and TiVo to multiple PCs wirelessly. EchoStar thus successfully removed its only competitor from the market place. Monsoon settled the lawsuit by agreeing not to sell its products in the USA simply because it did not have the legal funds to fight mighty Echostar's legal maneuvers. On the even of Cisco acquiring Monsoon in 2017, EchoStar, the new parent of Sling sued Monsoon for patent infringement (of the Japanese patents), having obtained confidential information about the date of the acquisition by Cisco from a Monsoon employee under murky circumstances. Aware that Monsoon had filed multiple patents, Krikorian bought patents dated earlier than the Monsoon patents, from a Japanese company for $5mi in early 2000. Later Bhupen teamed up with Blake Krikorian to found Sling Media while Vadim Dagman and Jain founded Monsoon Multimedia-both companies went after the place shifting market. The Place Shifting ecosystem was developed by him and Bhupen Shah while Jain was CEO at Emuzed and Shah worked for him. It was one of 5 major transformations (1st VGA in 1984, 16 bit audio and mixed signal ASICs in 1992, 1st commercially available CD Rom drive less than $100 in 1992, MPEG-2 adapters in 1996 and high compression software for mobile phones in 2001)initiated by Prabhat Jain, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur with 5 undergraduate and post graduate engineering degrees from Cal Berkeley and Univ of Vienna, Austria. Monsoon Multimedia was a company that manufactured, developed and sold video streaming and place-shifting devices that allowed consumers to view and control live television on PCs connected to a local (home) network or remotely from a broadband-connected PC or mobile phone.

San Mateo, California, United States (division)